Thursday 3 October 2013

Coursework Homework 16th October

This project requires Homework as mentioned before.
Here is the reminder:
a) Define Production/Distribution and Exhibition on your individual blog. 300 word MINIMUM
b) On group blog- your individual post on SWEDE research.
c) SWEDE production and Marketing Campaign
For your homework you need to begin to create an Ad campaign for the film you are making. This will go towards a presentation to the whole class that you have to do on either week beginning 14th October or early in week beginning 21st October.
You need to BLOG all aspects of your ad campaign. Your advertising campaign might include some of the following elements:

A trailer – posted on youtube
A facebook page
A mock TV interview promoting your film
A poster campaign
A viral marketing element
A website or blog for your film
Webpage banners (use photobucket to display pictures)
A twitter feed for your production
A radio advert for your film- using Garageband
A radio interview with the star of your film.

Some of the tasks can be divided between the group. However, every group member will be required to produce an advert using photoshop. You need to treat your film as a real online release – which it will be. You will be uploading it to Youtube, and we want you to try and get a really big audience for it.
Therefore, you will need to employ every marketing device available to you, so use twitter, facebook and any viral strategy you can devise in order to get your film out there!